Assalamualaikum wbt..
Today is not a fairy tale.. Today is a reality.. To face different matters day by day.. To confront different faces everyday.. To find the best solution for customers.. To find the available seat for them.. Only try the best to help them to get the special fare..Wauu.. Simple kot kan.. Tp maen otak maa.. A lit bit stress once booking have been cancelled by airlines.. Owh it will be complicated but its nice!! Tak mengape.. Sheronok! :)
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G0ogle- Wah.. Sheronok!! |
So far di hari Jumaat yg mulia ni, rutin sume staff bace Yassin berjemaah pagi tadi berjalan lancar, meeting sejam dua jam lepas tu pon ok, alhamdulillah.. Tapi td sempat kena tegur dengan bos besaq.. sebab khusyu' drawing smpai tak take note ape beliau cakap..<-- itu kate2 bos.. Tp realitynya.. telinga ni terpasang n catat je minit mesyuarat..hehe..
Emm.. Hari ni dah genap lima belas hari sy keje officially.. Minggu depan da masuk enam belas hari. Next day tambah lagi sehari n tambah lagi n tambah lagi.. Keje lame-lame tak boleh cuti lame-lame.. Tunggu jugak kot ade cuti sem mase keje.. Seminggu ke 2 minggu ke... Hoho.. Paling ditunggu-tunggu cuti raye nanti.. Angin bertiup kencang cakap cuti seminggu.. Bulan Ramadhan kua dari opis pukul 4.. Yeyeh..Alhamdulillah :)
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-Google- Sweetkan? :) |
Okla.. just quick update.. Tade la entri ni tak tuka-tuka kan macam sebelum ni.. Yippi!! (^_^)
Sebelum tu nak cakap.. "all praise is due to Allah, Lord of the 'Alamin".. sebab Allah Maha Penyayang.. Dia kasi something untuk kite for a reason.. Sy dah upgrade sistem kendiri.. and dah update confidence level... Syukur.. (^_^).. Moga Allah kuatkan iman..tetapkan hati..Aameen :)
-Bersyukurlah atas segala nikmat, anugerah, ujian dan dugaan yang Allah kasi.. Hikmahnya amat manis..
-Bergembiralah wahai hati kerana hati akan cukup kental bila teruji dengan dugaan Allah..
-Berimanlah dengan Allah selagi kita masih bernafas,, Moga mati kita dalam iman..aameen :)
"Iman has 70 branches. And the highest of al-Iman is the statement "la illaha illallah" (It is the most sublime, the most magnificent and the most superior of all Iman). The lowest of the Iman is to remove some harmful thing from the street. And modesty is a part of al-Iman."
Lots of love, wassalam :)
Nice blog....
ReplyDeletethanks miss anisah :)